Specifications for Fences
A. Fence Height:
1. Fences shall be limited to 4 feet in height from the front of the dwelling to the front
property line and shall be ornamental or picket style. Ornamental fences shall include fences
constructed of aluminum, wrought iron or steel.
2. Fences shall be limited in height to 8 feet from the front of the dwelling to the rear yard
3. Chain link fences may not exceed 4 feet except in public parks when used in relation to
athletic fields.
B. Fence Location:
1. Fences may be constructed up to, but not on the property line, except a 3 foot setback is required from an alley right-of-way.
2. The framing side of wooden and plastic/vinyl fences shall face inward rather than outward.
3. On corner lots, fences may not be placed within 15 feet of the edge of the roadway or on
public right-of-way, whichever is greater.
C. Fence Materials:
1. Fence must be constructed of lumber, iron, maintenance free type material such as
vinyl/plastic, or rust free chain link. Maintenance free type material shall include vinyl, plastic,
wrought iron, aluminum, steel, and rust resistant chain link.
2. The following materials are prohibited for fences:
- Barbed wire and electrical fences
- Razor wire
- Creosote lumber
- Masonry, except when less than 30 inches in height
- Chicken wire
- Deer fencing
- Woven or welded wire
- Plastic webbing, except when used for temporary traffics, police or erosion control.
D. Construction and Maintenance
1. All wood fences, other than those constructed out of redwood or cedar, shall be sealed,
stained, or painted upon completion of construction and all wood fences routinely thereafter.
2. Every fence shall be maintained in a condition of reasonable repair and shall not be
allowed to become and remain in a condition of disrepair or danger, or constitute a nuisance.
Any such fence, which is, or has become dangerous to the public safety, health, or
welfare, is a public nuisance and shall be removed or repaired. Any fence shall be a public
nuisance of it does not comply with the following requirements:
a. The fence shall be firmly fastened and anchored in order that it is not leaning or
otherwise in the stage of collapse.
b. The fence shall be free from deterioration, loose or rotting pieces, or holes, breaks, or
gaps not otherwise intended in the original design of the fence.
c. The fence shall be free from any defects or conditions which makes the fence
d. No fence section shall have peeling, cracked, chipped or otherwise deteriorated
surface finish, including but not limited to paint or protective covering or treatment
on more than twenty (20) percent of any one linear ten-foot section of the fence.
E. Non-Conforming Fences
Fences that are non-conforming in any way shall not be reconstructed unless they are made conforming.
Other Requirements-Utility companies need to be contacted before you begin digging holes for your fence. To have underground utilities located call Gopher State One Call at 1-800-252-1166.
Always discuss the location of your fence with adjoining neighbors. Aside from being a common courtesy, it often avoids disputes over assumed property lines, trimming of bushes and trees, which side of the fence will be facing inward, etc.
If there is a dispute over the location of the property line do not call the city for a determination. The City does not employ a registered surveyor and therefore does not have the authority to establish property lines. Having the property lines established by a State Registered Surveyor is the only legal and sure way of having this done. Surveys for residential lots can cost between $350-$1000.
*Property Line
- A property line is the legally established boundary of a plot of land resulting from a survey.
- The property line is not the curb line or the edge of the roadway or alley although it is possible for a property line to be at that location.
- As an approximate guide only, property lines in general are located forty feet from the centerline of avenues and thirty-three feet from centerlines of streets.