City of Sauk Rapids Compost Site
Compost stickers are $35 for the entire compost site season. The Sauk Rapids compost site is reserved for single-family use (no-residency requirement). Compost stickers will not be sold for duplexes, commercial, or industrial uses. Click here for a full listing of the rules and regulations for the Sauk Rapids compost site.
2024 Compost Site Permits
Compost site permits can now be purchased three ways:
1) Purchase on-line and a permit sticker will be mailed to your home.
If a permit is purchased online, a printed receipt will prove as proof of purchase to enter the Compost Site until permit sticker is mailed.
2) Download the application (pdf document) off of our website and mail in the application with your check and the sticker permit will be mailed to your home. (can also drop off in our Drop Off Boxes (Mailboxes) located in the Sauk Rapids Government Center parking lot or the Coborn’s grocery store drop box. Please Note: Adobe Reader may be required to view PDF documents. Application is also available in Microsoft Word document at bottom of page.
3) Purchase the permit sticker at the Sauk Rapids Government Center building during regular business hours.
For the safety & health of our compost site employees, permits will NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE AT THE COMPOST SITE.
Annual Compost permits are $35.00 for first vehicle, $15.00 for an additional permit and $5.00 for a re-issued permit.
(Please put information for additional stickers on the application form. The city reserves the right to check license plate numbers to ensure that the vehicles are registered to you.)
Individuals must fill out all required fields during the purchasing process. Information includes vehicle make, color, license plate number, email address & phone number. If any information is missing or the correct permit amount is not paid, a permit will not be issued.
The compost site permits will need to be displayed in the front passenger side window of your vehicle.Please abide by all compost site rules when using the site and maintain social distancing.
Fall Compost Site Hours:
If you have additional questions, please call Pete Eckhoff at 258-5319.