City Council

The City Council, being the elected representatives of the City of Sauk Rapids and charged with the responsibility of establishing policies for the operation and management of City affairs in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations are hereby created to establish a uniform and equitable system of personnel administration of City of Sauk Rapids personnel.  City policy is amended automatically as may be mandated by State and Federal Laws. Click here to view recent or upcoming City Council agendas.Please Note: Adobe Reader may be required to view PDF documents.


Mayor and City Council Members

Mayor Jason Ellering
1025 11th Ave. North
Sauk Rapids, MN  56379
Home: 320-339-5493


Councilperson Clinton Holmgren
2580 Olive Lane
Sauk Rapids, MN  56379
Home: 320-293-9858

Councilperson Nick Sauer
225 8th Ave. South
Sauk Rapids, MN  56379
Home: 320-266-0711


Councilperson Dottie Seamans
1021 7th Ave. North
Sauk Rapids, MN  56379
Home: 320-761-1816


Councilperson Ellen Thronson
623 Broadway Ave South, P.O. Box 2
Sauk Rapids, MN  56379
Home: 320-250-4133