Henkemeyer Landfill

Address: 6045 Lark Rd NW, Sauk Rapids
Directions: North of the Paper Mill, ~ 3 miles off North Benton Dr right before the Hwy 10 overpass on the left hand side
Phone: 252-6487
Hours: Call For Information on Hours of Operation
           (Closed Holidays and Holiday Weekends)

Henkemeyer Landfill accepts the following items:

* Yard waste such as grass, leaves, garden waster, dirt, tree brush, shrubs, etc...

* Demolition Debris such as non-treated wood, insulation, shingles, tile, ceramics, metal, drywall, concrete, asphalt, brickes, or masonry.

Henkemeyer Landfill does NOT accept the following items:

* Stumps, household garbage, green treated wood, appliances, electronics, tires, hazardous materials, burnt materials, contaminated soils, or asbestos.

Henkemeyer Landfill also sells screened black dirt, compost, crushed concrete, crushed granite, and boulders of various sizes.